
President's Scholars 高尔夫球 Outing

Pres Scholars 高尔夫球 Image 2022

Thursday, August 24, 2023
Brickyard Crossing 高尔夫球 Course | Indianapolis, IN

Join us for a day on the links to support Indiana State University’s most prestigious academic scholarship – The President’s Scholarship. The President’s Scholarship provides academically talented and motivated students full, in-state tuition and premium housing. President’s Scholars study within the Honors College, which provides opportunities to learn, conduct research, participate in high-powered experiential learning and professional development opportunities, and exchange ideas in a challenging and supportive academic environment. Come spend the day with President Deborah Curtis and meet current President’s Scholars!

Outing Participation

All-Inclusive Package - $2,000
Includes: Round of 高尔夫球 for Four (4), Team Mulligans, Custom Gift, Lunch, Reception, and Hole Sign

Individual 高尔夫球er – $500
Includes: Round of 高尔夫球, One Mulligan, Custom Gift, Lunch, and Reception

Limited to the first 36 teams.

Event Schedule

8:30 a.m. | Registration
10:00 a.m. | Shotgun Start (Outing is a scramble format. Lunch is provided)
Awards, skill prizes and raffle will be presented following the outing.

More registration details coming soon. 

Sponsorship Opportunities

Support Indiana State’s President’s Scholars program as an event sponsor.
To learn more about available sponsorship opportunities for the 2023 President’s Scholars 高尔夫球 Outing, contact 琥珀色的 Stinson at 812-237-6154 or 琥珀色的.Stinson@azarnewsonline.com