
516 社区服务 Leave

Authority: Approved by the 校董会
Last updated on: January 05, 2024
Last reviewed on: January 03, 2024


The University recognizes the importance of community involvement and encourages employees to participate in volunteer activities by providing flexibility in work schedules and paid leave opportunities. This policy governs administration of a community service program.

516.2 Eligible 社区服务

员工可能会, at the discretion of the supervisor, be granted paid leave to provide “hands-on” voluntary service to their communities as part of an organized community service project. 例如, delivering meals to the elderly is an eligible activity, but attending a social event for the organization providing the meals would not.

516.2.1 Volunteer Fire and Rescue Members. Members of volunteer fire departments and rescue squads or auxiliary units thereof may be granted leave to:

516.2.1.1 Respond to emergency situations during their working hours; or

516.2.1.2 Arrive after the normal beginning of their work shift if an emergency situation to which they responded outside their normal work hours continues beyond the normal beginning of their work shift.

516.2.2除外服务. Excluded are services provided through a membership organization where the primary recipients of the service are the constituents of the organization (i.e., painting and maintenance of the group’s building, yard work, serving on the board, etc.); and political groups or causes.

516.3 Pre-Approved Activities

The ISU Center for Community Engagement shall maintain a list of pre-approved activities that are appropriate for use of leave under this policy, and shall be the final arbiter of whether or not a proposed activity is eligible for use of leave under this policy.


516.4.1全职员工. A maximum of 15 hours (16 hours for those working a 40-hour week) of paid leave per fiscal year will be made available to individuals who are Regular 工作人员 as of July 1 of each year.

516.4.2兼职员工. 最多7个.5 hours (8 hours for those working a 40-hour week) of paid leave per fiscal year will be made available to individuals who are part-time, benefits-eligible 工作人员 as of July 1 of each year.

516.4.3 Probationary 员工 Not Eligible. Any employee working within their introductory 3-month period is not eligible for this leave.


Unused 社区服务 Leave existing at the end of the fiscal year, each June 30 may not be carried over to a subsequent fiscal year.

516.6 No Payout at Separation

The value of unused 社区服务 Leave existing at separation of employment shall not be paid to the separating employee.


Office of the Vice 总统 for 大学参与
Center for Community Engagement
(812) 237-2334
Policy 516 was approved by the ISU 校董会 on September 9, 2010 and became effective October 1, 2010. 1月5日, 2024 minor changes were made to Policy 516 to update the name of ISU Center for Community Engagement and to correct the period from calendar year to fiscal year.