
地球 & 环境系统讲座系列

January 27 - Amanda Sheppard: Environmental Policy and Advocacy in the Hoosier State - Hoosier Environmental Council

2月3日——Rachel Headley:鹅卵石科学有限责任公司的所有者.

February 10 - Rob Shumaker: The Zen of Orangutans - Executive Vice President and Zoo Director - 印第安纳州polis Zoo

February 24 - Steve Aldrich: Tearing Apart Landscapes: Forest Fragmentation and Contentious Land Change in the Brazil-Nut Polygon in Eastern Amazônia - 印第安纳州 State University

3月3日-博士. Paul Sammarco: Broad phyletic adaptation/exaptation to thermal stress in corals and implications for extinction - LUMCON

3月10日- Steve DiNaso:“Herrin大屠杀受害者的时空发现 & “法医测绘计划”-澳门合法赌场官网博士候选人


3月31日-博士. Songlin Fei: "Mapping and Modeling Exotic Invasions from Local to Regional Levels" - Purdue University

4月21日-博士. David Porinchu: 9点气候突变的证据.3 ka和8.2 ka在加拿大北极中部:未来的模拟? ——佐治亚大学

4月28日-博士. Matt Bekker:“河流, 地震, 和老木屋:故事形成树的年轮”-杨百翰大学

5月5日-博士. Evan Larson:“人们, 火, 松树:重新考虑明尼苏达州和安大略省边境湖区的荒野" - 威斯康星大学普拉特维尔分校

February 18 – Steve Aldrich: Spatial Decision-making and the Environment in the Amazon Land War – 印第安纳州 State University

February 25 – Sherilyn Fritz: The Cenozoic evolution of biotic and geophysical diversity in the tropical Andes and Amazon – University of Nebraska

March 3 – Michael McGlue: 古湖沼学 in the Brazilian Pantanal: Using Lake Sediments to 探索 Environmental Change in the World's Largest Tropical Wetland – University of Kentucky

3月10日- Jörn Seemann:南美洲的地图历史-波尔州立大学

3月24日- Eduardo S. Brondizio: Studying socio-ecological complexity in the Amazon Estuary-Delta – 印第安纳州 University

3月31日- Michael A. O'Neal: A multidisciplinary study of rock glaciers in the Dry Andes of Argentina – University of Delaware

April 7 – Broxton Bird:Unraveling Holocene South American climate with new lake sediment records from the Colombian Andes – IUPUI

April 14 – Cris 鱼er: Title Coming Soon – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul / ISU

April 21 – Trisha Spanbauer: Punctuational Change in the Size of an Endemic Diatom from Lake Titicaca – EPA

February 12 – Arndt Schimmelmann: Paleoceanography in the Santa Barbara Basin off California

April 2 – Ellen Thomas:The Beginning and End of the Paleocene: do rates of ocean acidification determine deep-sea extinction and survival?

4月9日——Ashley Burkett:太平洋甲烷渗漏中底栖有孔虫的地球化学

4月16日——詹姆斯·肯尼特:新仙女木边界(YDB)宇宙撞击12的证据,800年前及其环境, 生物, 及其对人类的影响.



February 20 - Jackson Njau: The Role of Crocodylians in Human Evolution: A View from Olduvai Gorge


March 6 – Michael McGlue: Lacustrine Basin Analysis and Petroleum Systems: A View from the East African Rift Valley

March 19 - Victor Cobs Munoz: Atmospheric Pollution by Respirable Particulate Matter and Territorial Health Inequalities



April 17 – Craig Feibel : Lacustrine Archives of Environmental Dynamics in East Africa: The Backdrop to Human Evolution

September 12 – Jared Kluesner: Deformation and Fluid-Flow at a Convergent Margin: Insights from the CRISP 3D Seismic Project.

2月14日- Catherine O 'Reilly:湖泊变暖趋势:全球模式, 地区热点, 以及潜在的后果

February 28 - Feng Sheng Hu: Climate Change, Novel 火 Regimes, and Biogeochemical Implications

April 25 – Sherilyn Fritz: Quaternary Hydrologic Variation in Tropical South America and its Implications for Biodiversity

春天 2012
1月19日——马克·格林:分析,000 years of settlement on the Central Jordan Plateau - 地理信息系统 and remote sensing as archaeological tools


February 16 – Jonathan Martin: 春天s and blue holes: Windows into chemical and physical hydrogeology of eogenetic karst aquifers

March 15 – Jeanette Pope: The mineralogy and geochemistry of efflorescent salts and their influence on 印第安纳州 water quality

March 22 – Nathan Stansell: Reconstructing Environmental Changes Using Glaciers and Wetlands

March 26 – Jeffery Stone: East African Megadrought: The Late Pleistocene history of Lake Malawi

April 12 – Christina Hupy: Ecotone Dynamics: The Late Holocene Vegetation 历史 of the Forest Tension Zone in Central Lower Michigan 美国

September 8 – Todd Thompson: Long-term and short-term shoreline behavior in the upper Great Lakes

9月22日-丹佛·哈珀:修士塔克废弃矿区的开垦历史, 格林和沙利文县, 印第安纳州

October 20 – Bruce Rhoads: The Dynamics of Chute Cutoffs on Large Meandering Rivers: Lessons Learned from Mackey Bend on the Wabash River

11月3日- EES学生研究

11月17日——丹尼尔·克努森:旅游业, Ideology and Aesthetics: Towards a Coherent Theory of Tourism Sights and Tourist Experience

December 1 – Robert McCullough: Late Prehistoric settlement viability during the Oliver phase of central and south-central 印第安纳州

1月24日- Daniel J. 石油和天然气勘探:Macondo Prospect, Mississippi Canyon Block 252

January 31 – John Comer: Petroleum Production Potential and Depositional Setting of Woodford Shale (Devonian), 南部Midcontinent, 美国

February 7 – Lenore Tedesco: Cyanobacteria in 印第安纳州 – Occurrence, Toxicity, and Triggers

2月21日- Laura Wasylenki:金属吸附如何导致同位素分配?

3月14日——威廉·莫纳汉:追踪殖民地, 使用, and Abandonment of a Mississippian Town through its 地球works and Human Landscape at Angel Mound, 印第安纳州

3月21日 Michael Prentice: Antarctica Underground: New Views of the Shallow Subsurface in the McMurdo Dry Valleys and Implications for Antarctic Ice Sheet Sensitivity during the Last Glacial Cycle

March 28 – Jared Kluesner: Geologic and Hydrologic Role of Sill Intrusions in the Gulf of California

April 4 – Susan Goldstein: Propagule transport as a key method of dispersal in benthic foraminifera (Protista)


4月18日- Kevin Sutterer:土木工程的法医地质学