法律系的 Frequently Asked Questions.

1.  What should your top priority be as a 法律系的 student?

你的功课很好吗!  Make sure you have adjusted to the demands of academic life before becoming too involved in extra-curricular activities. Do not be afraid to attend office hours and do take action at the first sign of problems in a class (anything below a B on your very first exam).  寻求帮助并得到帮助.  It is a sign of responsibility not weakness.

2.  我的澳门合法赌场官网应该是什么?

Choose something that you like and in which you will excel.  Law schools do not prefer one major over another.  Law schools look for applicants with a broad college education that is not vocational.  Select your major based on interests and alternate career ambitions, and focus on courses that will develop skills for the LSAT and for law school success.  你的平均绩点最重要的是什么.  Find a major that you enjoy and one in which you can do well.

3. What classes will help prepare me for law school?

Classes that emphasize the following will help develop essential skills for law school:

  • 分析/解决问题
  • 批判性思维和阅读
  • 写作与口语交流
  • 研究
  • 组织和时间管理

4. What is the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) and what do I need to know about it?

The LSAT is now administered seven times a year – January, 2月, 3月, 4月, 6月, 7月, 9月, 10月, 和11月.   Generally, students take the test for the first time in 6月 or 7月 after their Junior year. 

The exam lasts for half a day and the sections test Reading Comprehension, Analytical Reasoning and Logical Reasoning.  There is a non- scored Writing Sample that is submitted to the law school as well.

Sign up early for the LSAT so you can take the exam at your preferred test location.  If your preferred location is full you may have to drive at least an hour to another location for the test.

The LSAT, along with your 平均绩点, are the two most important aspects of your law school application.

5. 我该如何准备法学院入学考试? 

Begin at least three months (and preferably six months) before the test.  Treat it like a job and commit to ten-fifteen hours a week.  There are a number of commercial courses, both online and in person, available.  The Law School 招生 Council (LSAC) has recently begun offering a free online class through Kahn Academy.  You may register for the free class at lsac.org.  There are also various printed and online materials available for purchase.  Consider whether you are a student who does better with a lot of guidance and feedback when choosing which methods used to prepare.

Take at least five fully timed practice exams!  Thoroughly review the answers and the reason for answering correctly or not.  The review may take as long as the exam!

学习以前的考试.  You may commercially purchase past tests from LSAC.

6.  我可以重考法学院入学考试吗?

是的, up to three times in a two year cycle.  But be aware that law schools receive all of your scores, and may not simply “count” only the best one.  Large improvements in test scores are possible but rare and law schools typically like a written explanation (in the form of an addendum to your law school application) as to why you believe the large increase occurred. 

The best strategy is to approach as a one-time test, and devote the necessary time the first time.

7.  你的平均绩点重要吗??

是的! Along with your LSAT, it is the most important part of your law school application.  如果你对你的平均绩点有疑问, particularly if you had a poor semester or had a major problem, consider writing an addendum to your law school application explaining the situation.

Your goal should be to get the highest 平均绩点 possible!

8. What if you replaced a bad grade by taking a class over; will the law schools know?

是的.  The LSAC calculates the grade point average for all applicants using the same formula.  All grades for all classes are counted.  For example; you receive an F in a class, retake and earn an A.  Both grades will be included and the average is a C for the class.

9.  你怎么支付法学院的学费?

Merit Based 奖学金 are based on LSAT, 平均绩点, 个人陈述, Letters of Recommendation and are offered on a rolling basis at most law schools.

Grants for need based scholarships often require a separate application.  There are not nearly as many as there are for undergraduate education.  For example, there are no Pell Grants for law students.

For 金融援助, complete a FAFSA whether you need it or not. This is one method to quality for need based scholarships.

You need to consider how you will pay.  Law school is expensive and many students pay by using loans.  Some students are leaving law school with $150,000 –$ 200,000 in loans!  This may limit career choices and paying for life’s necessities difficult!